I made a little post a while ago concerning an idea that I had. I want to turn this into my next inquiry project and make the things I outlined in the post a reality, so let’s get started.
First of all, what is this thing, anyway? My goal for this inquiry’s end product is a unique productivity application (another one for the sprawling pile) that runs on phones and computers.
(this is basically a reeeeaaaally rough reference document detailing most of the functionality that I want this thing to have. its implementation will be covered in another post, and the initial Crampack post takes care of the motivation.)
I want you to be able to:
- utilize task management via cycles
- add time-based and activity-based milestones for your cycles
- add cycles quickly, in 1 click/tap/action
- get notifications when your milestones trigger, or to remind you when to work on something/what to work on
- look at all your cycles at once in a special screen (like 20+ at a time)
I want cycles to look something like this:
- each cycle has a start timestamp and an optional end timestamp
- cycles serve mostly as reminders to work
- attach milestones to cycles for a sense of achievement
- arbitrary colour to distinguish them
- horizontal “timeline” view of all the cycles:
There should be a (pomodoro) stopwatch to track activity on each cycle.