I’ve decided to use a GUI framework called Kivy to make Crampack. It’s a feature-packed Python 3 library that runs on most major operating systems and works on mobile. I’ve already made the suggested example project, and I have a basic grasp on how it works.
There’s a lot of resources available to learn from, but I’ve mostly been looking at the official Kivy documentation, and asking questions about it on the IRC.
I plan to draw up some design bits to outline the look of the application in the near future. These will give me a more concrete idea of Crampack’s final look, and all of the various screens, how they’re organized, and how control flows between them.
Overall, I’ve been spending less time on my inquiry than I’d like to, and I hope to remedy that in the coming days. The design drawings will be finished a day or so from now, and I’ve already got a basic layout to work with, code-wise.