Here’s the rough idea for my fourth inquiry: I’m gonna draw.
My overall goal is to produce 5 well-made drawings, and complete a drawing course from Udemy. (This one)
I’m consulting multiple resources in pursuit of my goal, not just Udemy’s drawing course. There’s a reddit community called /r/ArtFundamentals and its associated website, people whom I’ve previously met that have helped me to draw, as well as a large sample of artistically-inclined students at our very own school; These are all resources which I intend to make full use of as I continue with this project.
There is the question of what constitutes a “well-made drawing,” and I feel that my criteria for such a thing are pretty straightforward: a full-page drawing preceded by at least a couple of sketches (that is, more than one sketch,) of the same subject.
Simple short summary: drawwwwwww.